Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree!

Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. One of my favorite things about Christmas is decorating the tree! I absolutely love collecting & making ornaments! My poor little tree seems like it has nothing on it, but I wanted to share my favorite ornaments!

This ornament was given to Adam & myself by his parents christmas of 2009. This was our second christmas together. It was our first ornament that someone had given us since we became a couple, and I had just joined the fire department in April 2009. This ornament means so much to me!

My mother bought me this ornament Christmas of 2007, after a good friend of mine passed away earlier that year. Having this on my tree always reminds me that Megan is not only with me during the holiday season, but also every day of the year. 

This ornament has no sentimental value like the first two. I just love how unique it is.

Though I cannot remember the year I received this ornament, it will always remind me of my true passion from high school, which was playing the clarinet. 

Another unique, but not sentimental ornament. I believe Adam's grandmother gave this ornament to me.

This was an ornament that I made this year. This is clearly one of the easiest ways to make ornaments. Each one is different and unique. 


Football was my other passion in high school. These ornaments were given to us on year. This one looks kind of rough because it was in a jacket pocket and it got washed! If you ask me, I think it gives the ornament a rustic character.

For now these ornaments are the only ones worth sharing. Plus I haven't been collecting my own ornaments for long. Some day my collection will be exactly what I want it to be. 

30 Day Photo Challenge - Day One

I have always wanted to do a 30 Day Photo Challenge, and I figured that since I just bought my Canon Rebel, its time to do one. 

Here is the challenge I chose

Day 1 - Self Portrait

♥ kp

Monday, December 12, 2011

So apparently I'm not good at this...

Its almost been a year since I've posted on here. I so suck.

I plan to revamp the blog over the next few days, and I'm going to challenge myself to post everyday. I've got a few idea's on how to do this. Thank goodness I'm not under the same pressure most college students are under this week with finals. YAY for being a design student!

I'll be back after fire training, hopefully with a few blog updates.. and definitely a post!

♥ kp.